Tuesday, 27 January 2009

Countdown to the Spring Fair & Pure..3 ..2.. 1

Wow, can't believe they're nearly upon us, we are in the midst of a flurry of preparations for the shows, and trying to dodge the flu virus, everyone's dropping like flies ! It'll be close, but we'll be ready.

Looking forward into the Spring, Citrus brights are big at the moment, which is great news for us as Sukie Lau is not know for her sombre tones. Its big, bold and colourful all the way...!

Lets face it we could all do with some bright colours and a pick me up with all the bad news and doom and despair we're constantly bombarded with, maybe that's why the Spring colours are soooo bright this year? Everyone's just had enough - Bring on the colour, bring on the Spring

We'll post some new collection pictures before the show to give you a taster.....

Friday, 2 January 2009

Happy New Year

Well, Happy New Year ! and here's to a good one !

I've just returned from sharm el sheik, an alternative Christmas on the beach, so I have to say I'm feeling the cold a tad !

So before i go and hunt out some warmth, here's my new Year's resolutions (made while watching a belly dancer do her stuff !)

Fret less, laugh more, train my dog, Look up at the stars (but not while driving!) exercise more (yes really !) Take more bubble baths, make fewer to-do lists. Say Yes more often ! (thanks Danny for that one!) Make funky jewelry. Make business less stressful. Have fun with my new designs. Go to seven new places, See Bette Middler in Vegas, Go out dancing ! Chill out and have fun !

What's the new year got in store for Sukie? Ah, so you'll have to wait till Birmingham, or Pure, but here's some clues - colour, stones, attitude and fun !

So, whatever you're doing, have a great New Year ! Brrrr !

See you soon !

Sukie x