Thursday, 16 October 2008

About Sukie.....

Wow, we’ve finally done it, joined the technological age ! and all because we wanted to share about our fabulous jewellery.

We love it and we wanted to shout about it….!

The signature Sukie Lau look is strong, sexy, sassy and a bit quirky. Jewellery that’s oversized and makes a statement. It’s bold and colourful, and all made from natural gemstones. Our jewellery is elegant, edgy, and gorgeous. But of course we’d say that……!

Sukie Lau
Designed with Love
Made with care
Worn with attitudeI

More news and designs coming soon, watch this space...... :-)

Check out Sukie's website:


Meeeeegan said...

Hi Sukie, i love your stuff, i saw some rings in Grazia, where can i buy one (or maybe two?)

Sukie Lau said...


If you let me know your location I can direct you to your nearest stockist.

Alternatively, I can supply you with some internet retailers who stock Sukie too!

Thanks for getting in touch!


Unknown said...

Hi Sukie,

I've been looking for something for my wife & these rings are great. Some very elegant & some very vibrant, fun & adventurous.
There's one ring I was wondering about in particular, on you website there's a picture of two blue rings, the round one on the left. Do you know who would stock this & is it available in different colours?



Sukie Lau said...

HI Paul,
thanks for your post, the rings are made from glass, they're pretty chunky, but surprisingly comfortable to wear !
they come in different colours - blue, black, red and a milky colour, but the milky one is more summery really? if you tell me where you live (the nearest town) I can point you in the direction of the nearest stockist, or you can buy them online at - oops just checked and the online stockists only do the square top ones, so its back to the original plan, hope that helps your christmas dilemmas ! many thanks ! Sukie x